

help with the cause

Lake Afton Public Observatory survives because of the spirit of collaboration. Between our donors, our volunteers, and our visitors, we keep the lights on and keep the science flowing.

If you’re looking for a way to contribute your talents, there are several ways you can help us realize our mission.

  • Marketing and Media - We’re always excited to have folks join our Media team which writes articles, meets with the media, and engages people on social networks. Let us know if you’re interested!

  • Grant Writing - Organizational grants can help us with exciting upgrades, exhibits, or just paying the bills.

  • Contribute to our software - A lot of our volunteers cross over into software developer territory, so we have some projects we’re working on over at Github. Feel free to contribure!

  • Got an idea? Let’s talk about it! Reach out to us at and let us know what you have in mind!